The Old Woman and The Little Pig 1. There was an old woman who had a little pig. Um um um, There was an old woman who had a little pig. It didn?t cost much for it wasn?t very big. Um um um. 2. And this little pig it died in bed, Um um um, And this little pig it died in bed. It died because it couldn?t get its bread. Um um um. 3. The old man died on account of grief, Um um um, The old man died on account of grief. O wasn?t that a sad relief. Um um um. 4. And the old woman grieved and she sobbed and she cried, Um um um, And the old woman grieved and she sobbed and she cried. And then she lay right down and died. Um um um. 5. And there they lay upon the shelf, Um um um, And there they lay upon the shelf. If you want any more you must sing it yourself. Um um um.