A Yan-kee ship’s comin’ down th’ river. Blow, boys, blow! Her masts an’ spars they shine like silver. Blow, boys. Bully boys, blow! An’ how d’ye know she’s a Yan-kee clipper? Blow, boys, blow! By th’ Stars an’ Stripes that flies above ‘er. Blow, boys. Bully boys, blow! An’ who d’ye think is th’ Captain of ‘er? Blow, boys, blow! Oh, Bully Haines, th’ hoodlum scoffer. Blow, boys. Bully boys, blow! An’ who d’ye think’s th’ Mate aboard ‘er? Blow, boys, blow! A Bowery tough that’s never sover. Blow, boys. Bully boys, blow! Oh, blow today, an’ shine tomorrow. Blow, boys, blow! Oh, blow today, an’ shine tomorrow. Blow, boys. Bully boys, blow! An-other pull, oh rock an’ shake ‘r. Blow, boys, blow! Oh, go she must, an’ go we’ll make ‘r. Blow, boys. Bully boys, blow!